Angel investor Indonesia and Its Role in The Economy

Before we started, there are still many people who haven’t know yet about angel investor. Even though there is no official explanation, but some sources define angel investor Indonesia are individual investors that come from successful people in the business that willing to invest their funds in potentially profitable businesses even small business.

Angel investor Indonesia and Its Role in The Economy

The role of angel investors is so important. In this modern era, there are lots of startups, especially in Indonesia. Angel investor Indonesia help them to be potentially functioned with capital. Once the startup has started to produce achievement, there will come venture capitalist. What is a venture capitalist? Venture Capitalist is a professional investor who specializes in funding and building innovative new companies.

Angel investor Indonesia and Its Role
Angel investors became one of the earliest persons who dare to take a risk against startup companies, product or service concept when the other investors didn’t dare. Sometimes, without any likely return, angel investors Indonesia stand front along with the founders with the same belief and high risk to develop the idea into services or products.

1. Funding Potentially Successful Startup
If we look closer to the development entrepreneurship in Indonesia, angel investor Indonesia play a big role in the startups. Mostly, the main problem in building startup is lack of capital. With angel investor Indonesia, this problem is solved. It needs a lot of investment to make startups improving dan developing to become one big successful enterprise.

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2. Improve Economic Growth
One of the main reasons why angel investor Indonesia is willing to invest is because of they also interested in spurring successful business and make economic growth in their communities improved. It shows that angel investor is not only paying attention to the return on investment, but also enjoy the entrepreneurial process.

3. Mentoring and Exclusive Advice
Besides monetary support, angel investor Indonesia offers professional advice. Not all angel investors come from the economic or entrepreneur background. Some of them are lawyers or even doctors. They are successful people who are prominent in their fields. With this condition, they can teach and add some values to your company by upper level mentoring and independent advice.
Type of Angel investor Indonesia

1. Affiliated Angel investor Indonesia
Affiliated means that angel investor is someone who’s in contact with you or has a connection with you regarding the business, but not necessarily related to you. The example of affiliated ones are professionals and business associates.
Professionals angel investor Indonesia. There are many kinds of these, such as dentist, lawyer, doctors, accountants, technicians, and so on. To be an angel one, those people must have reached something great according to their profession. These professionals usually have side incomes that available to invest outside their work fields.
Business Associates angel investor Indonesia. The difference with professionals are, these people contact almost every day with your business activities. The examples are suppliers or vendors, customers, employees, and even competitors.

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2. Nonaffiliated angel investor Indonesia
It’s a party which has no connection with your business or yourself. Usually, this type is harder to reach because he or she hasn’t familiar with your business or you. It has two types; the first one is Professional. Same with affiliated ones, this group consist of people who are prominent in their fields but don’t know you personally.
The second one is a middle manager. Angel investor Indonesia in the field of middle manager position will start investing because they are bored with their jobs or looking for some new interests. It also can be they are almost retiring or just prepare for the future, so they invest in your company.

Those are the explanation of angel investor Indonesia that we can summarize. Hope this information is helpful for your business, startups or just simply knowledge for your reference. Don’t forget to share this article with your surroundings!

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