China Investment in Indonesia for Build Better Country

The opportunities for the foreign country to take the investment in Indonesia is wide open. China investment in Indonesia is the top 5 prominent investor. The other states that include the top five are Singapore, Japan, America, and South Korea. As development country, Indonesia is the country that makes the foreign interesting to take some investment. China is one of the nations that have the best management. The most excellent China to carry out the country bring progress in all of the sector.  It makes China investment in Indonesia and the other state have high values.

China investment in Indonesia in Various Sector

Indonesia has many problems to arrange the country. With a lot of sectors that must develop, Indonesia can’t do this job alone. This nation needs some better technology that may be used to make the significant change. China investment in Indonesia has come to many sectors such as transportation, construction, mining, real estate, until the employees.  There is some China investment in Indonesia:

  1. The National Power Capacity

Power is be the crucial things for the country China investment in Indonesia also give some technology to increase power capacity. The electric steam power plant sometimes has problems with farmer, fisherman, and peoples who get the impact of its existence. China makes coal electric steam power plant that builds in some region in Indonesia with decrease terrible effects to the environment. This China investment in Indonesia can support the companies.

  1. Palm oil Industry
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One of the China investment in Indonesia is in the industry sector. The China company have been build in Palm oil in Indonesia. This company called Julong Group. With 3 million ton production capacity for a year and have US$ 2 billion revenue this industry can hold out in Indonesia. This sector can be following by local industry to have the same business.

  1. The Development of Suramadu Bridge

The example of  China investment in Indonesia is in infrastructure sector is the development of Suramadu Bridge. This bridge is the greatest and the longest bridge in Asia. The building of this deck is to connect Java and Madura Island. This bridge also is the destination of a tour in Surabaya. Need seven years to finish this bridge.

  1. The Created of Barrage

Indonesia has a vast region that must take a hand. Build exact infrastructure be the essential thing that the government must do. The crucial infrastructure to give irrigation to agriculture is a barrage. China investment in Indonesia supports the capital from building this barrage. One of the torrents that make is Jatigede Barrage in Sumedang, East Java.

  1. Better Transportation

The never-ending problem in Indonesia is about transportation. This sector always has a lousy review of the many people. To have better transportation China investment in Indonesia have participate. It’s because China is the country with most significant population but have the excellent transportation system. Hopefully, with this investment, Indonesia can build the best transformation system to solve the problematic.

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The investment can support companies to reach the top of success. China investment in Indonesia has proof that it can make better infrastructure. Not only the groups but the country also need some investment in technology, infrastructure, industry, etc. It must be done to make the inhabitants have prosperity. Besides, the beautiful country can make the citizens comfortable to stay. As the developing country, Indonesia can’t reject investment from the other state that has better technology. Like China investment in Indonesia, the other investor from many nations are welcome. The best investment can build the better country.

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