Company Registration Indonesia : A Simple Guide

The commitment to start a business in a new market is crucial. Many activities in the current country that require substantial capital may lead to numerous risks because of the variance of cultural, economic, political, technological conditions, etc. that build significant opportunity. Professional help is essential to secure that the business is arranged correctly. Indonesia has its typical characteristics just likely another market does, also company registration Indonesia regulation.

company registration IndonesiaCompany Registration Indonesia

Company registration Indonesia is a database operated by Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). It serves information about companies that already recorded in Indonesia but a little bit hard to access in other countries similar databases. Company registration Indonesia contained detail data and based on the Law of Indonesian Company number 40 of 2007 for Companies’ Limited Liability. This information is, accessible to the mass and useful for many purposes when managing research.

  1. Company registration Indonesia Detail Information

There you can find these information about the company:

  • Name and residence
  • Purpose and business activities
  • Deed of establishment date and number; the Minister’s Decree regarding the company ratification
  • Act of amendment date and number to the AoA (articles of association)
  • The notaries name and domicile, someone who wrote the establishment and amendment deed
  1. Company Establishment Process
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Company establishment process can be done in three ways: through a representative office, local company (PT), or PT. Foreign direct investment (PMA).

  • Representative Office

A representative office is guided by one or more Indonesian citizens or foreigners who are fixed by an overseas company or fasten foreign companies as their typical with the calculation of controlling the company or its partner concerns, preparing the development and establishment of international direct investment companies in Indonesia or another country.

  • Company registration Indonesia as a Local Company (PT)

Company registration Indonesia by PT is the most famous company model in Indonesia.  According to the market activities, there are some business sectors which are forbidden for the foreign businessman. The particular minimum requirement to build a local PT company is two shareholders, one regional director, and one commissioner. This model of the company allowed 100 % Indonesian citizen. Consequently, you will need the local nominee for the set this local PT company.  So they can get a provincial shareholder nominee to show a partial ownership for approximate number, but in real condition, the foreign investors get a full business ownership.

  • Company registration Indonesia PMA (foreign direct investment )

Most foreign-owned companies make the Limited Liability Company (LLC) Indonesian version which is known as a PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) since it takes the form of a 100% foreign-owned limited accountability company or can be founded as a limited accountability company through a fasten venture with Indonesian colleague.

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The benefit of this type of business is that it serves the foreign investor full control over the direction of the company, no limitation on where a Company registration Indonesia PMA can work in Indonesia, and decrease the risk in finding a suitable local college. Definite business sector involves a foreign-owned company to build a regional party and allowed up to a certain percentage of ownership based on the industry. The detail of this is covered in the NIL (negative investment list).

Look at the fact that businesses in Indonesia have about 1% of foreign stakeholders that are considered as foreign-owned companies, the total time of companies registration here is roughly about six weeks. It will take some extra time if your business also wants specific industry licenses. But to fast up the process as an owner you can buy a ready-made shelf company which will make you sign contracts participates in tenders or issues invoices immediately. Remind that your company registration Indonesia may not always have the licenses needed for your business classification. Hopefully, this company registration Indonesia article will give you an overview of the process of company registration Indonesia as a simple guide for you.

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