How to get an Indonesian Limited Stay (KITAS Indonesia)

KITAS visa becomes one of the important document which foreign citizen in Indonesia should have. This explanation about KITAS Indonesia stuff is going to help you to understand about KITAS.

As we know that every country has its policy to manage foreign citizen that comes and live in their territory. So does Indonesia. As the one of the strategic country, no wonder, if there are so many foreign people, come to Indonesia to open some business, to work, or even to school there. Because of that, those numbers of foreign people need to live temporarily in Indonesia. KITAS Indonesia is one of the must-have document which should be owned by every foreign citizen. What is KITAS Indonesia?

KITAS IndonesiaKITAS Indonesia is a kind of visa for every foreign citizen which have affairs in Indonesia besides diplomatic or even business affairs from the international community for example. But before the foreign citizen process KITAS Indonesia document, the first thing they need to have is a proper visa. It is important to ‘open the Indonesia gate’ so that they can come in and do their things legally in Indonesia. KITAS Indonesia is a kind of new thing, so we need to learn more about this. This article is going to give you all information regarding KITAS Indonesia.

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Many Kinds of Stuff You Need To Know About KITAS Indonesia

Most of the foreign citizen who comes and lives in Indonesia have not known yet about KITAS Indonesia. There are many questions about it start from what is KITAS Indonesia, who may apply it, what documents needed to process, until how long this visa available. Here are the things you need to know about KITAS Indonesia.

  1. Who can get the KITAS Indonesia?

Not all of the foreign citizen can have this kind of visa. Only those who have affairs which not related to diplomatic, or research from the International community. But if you are foreign who are doing kind of business with the Indonesian company, work with the private institution or government of Indonesia, the spouse who wants to visit their Indonesian couple, or even doing scientific research, you will get KITAS.

  1. You Need Group or Personal Sponsor To Get KITAS Indonesia

For every foreign citizen who wants to do business or work in Indonesia company, they have to get something substantial like sponsor which comes from the company where they work in to get working KITAS. They can get group sponsors from their religious organizations, government, or even business company which have legal responsibility for visa paperwork. Or, if you are not a foreign businessman, you can get the personal sponsor from your Indonesian spouse.

  1. What are the important documents that need to prepare?
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To proceed your KITAS Indonesia, there are several important documents you need to prepare. In fact, every category needs the different document to prepare, for example, the foreign citizen who wants to work or open a business in Indonesia has the different requirement with the foreign citizen who only wants to live in Indonesia. Everything depends on immigration office. But still, there are general documents which need to prepare whether for the worker or not. There are a passport, birth certificate, immunization card, domicile card, and marriage card if they have married.

  1. Renewing KITAS Indonesia

As another common document, KITAS as a form of visa also has a limit date. There are three kinds of the duration of this vita which are six months, a year, and two years. Most of KITAS holders usually renew their visa one year at a time, but even if that so, the KITAS holder should start the process of renewing a month before the KITAS expires because the process of renewing KITAS as complex as when you make it.

So, those are few things that you need to keep in mind when we are talking about KITAS Indonesia. May this article can help you to understand about KITAS stuff and the procedure to proceed it.

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