Investor Indonesia List that Has Been Succeed in Foreign Country

Get to know what is the investor Indonesia in a foreign country that has been successfully expanding their business in our article! From food until communication sector, here is the list.

Investment is a promising business, moreover if you invest your capital in huge and trusted company. The money will then be circulated and increase it’s currency as time goes by. Not only invest in a foreign company in Indonesia, but there are also many investor Indonesia that have been succeeding in foreign. We will bring the list to you.

investor IndonesiaInvestment can also be made from Indonesia to another country, as long as the company that invests their stock can maintain their business. Here is the list of investor Indonesian that invests in a foreign country and have been succeeding.

Five Successful Investor Indonesia in Foreign Country

As the Indonesian citizen, we must be proud because the companies are doing their best to be featured in a foreign country and create a good corporation there. Quoted from, here is the list of investor Indonesia that invest successfully in a foreign country:

  1. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Inc

Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Inc is one of the successful investor Indonesia, no wonder that this company could have a tremendous amount of stock in another country. The country that has been invested by this investor Indonesia are USA, Australia, and Hong Kong. This company provides a strong access to telecommunication from people in the country. Beside invest, the company also learn another country’s telecommunication development and try to implement it in Indonesia.

  1. Garuda Indonesia
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As the main and popular airlines in Indonesia, Garuda also committed to expanding their business to another new level. One stage this investor Indonesia pass is to become a travel agent in some countries like Korea, Japan and France and they successfully manage the business. They also invest in those countries. It is normal because airlines have easy access to another country since their main task is to escort the passengers to their destination.

  1. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk

This investor Indonesia is not investing in a foreign country in stock or capital formation, but they distribute their products to the states because people in those countries love their products. Mention Indomie (instant noodle) as the most popular product sold in a country such as Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore the even USA. The company also plan to expand their business to make it easier for anyone in another country to taste their products by invest in stock form or creating a branch. Well, who knows?

  1. Bakrie Group

This famous investor Indonesia is ever nominated as the wealthiest company in Indonesia. Bakrie Group focuses on developing technology and communication. The investor Indonesia also want to achieve a successful investment, so they invest in some countries that give higher benefit and profit. Bakrie Group is managed by the Bakrie family, that has huge influence in Indonesia itself.

  1. PT Kimia Farma
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Not only food and telecommunication focused companies that are investing in a foreign country. A pharmaceutical investor Indonesia like PT Kimia Farma has also had the huge influence in the foreign country, especially in Saudi Arabia. The investor Indonesia has been known to provide high-quality pharmaceutical items such as drugs and supplement to people in Indonesia.

So, those are the five investor Indonesia that invest in a foreign country. Is your company could become the next company that will invest in the foreign country? Let us know! if you want to acknowledge yourself and know more about company, investment, permit for building a company, the law fundamental information about foreign company in Indonesia and other things related to business development in Indonesia, go visit our website at

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