How To Open Company In Indonesia Enterprise Company

With a good climate of economic, Indonesia offers the best business opportunities not only for local but also for the foreign party. Let’s get to know how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company before you start it.

Indonesia has a supportive economic and political climate to start a business or even to build a company. And because of this good climate, Indonesia also offers great business opportunities not only for the local citizen but also for the foreign businessman. There are many questions about how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company that comes from the foreign party before they start to make a corporation about that.

how to open company in Indonesia enterprise companyForeign-owned companies are the form of the corporation between your company and the foreign businessman. It is as known as PMA or Penanaman Modal Asing in Indonesia. The foreign-owned companies have 100 percent of llimited liability or 0-95 percent limited liability for the foreign party. You have to think twice to give a full control for the foreign side of your company even if it gives you many profits. Knowing these steps on how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company first is important to consider the dos and don ts to start this kind of thing.

Let’s get to know how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company

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In Indonesia itself, there is a certain business field which requires the foreign-owned company to get a local partner for their company. And the owning of the company by the foreign is depends on the sector. The knowledge about how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company is important to determine your company’s stance and its control system in the future. So, this article is going to give you explanation on how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company.

  1. Get your company approval

The first thing you need to do in how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company is by applying your company name that will be accepted by the notary. The tips to get an acceptance from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is making sure that your company name hasn’t existed yet before and at least consist of three words without any vulgar words.

  1. Process the Principle License of your company

For the foreign investor who wants to invest in your company should make kind of application to the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board to approve the application. It is the next step about how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company. Once the coordinating board approved the application, then they will permit to invest in the company. This license is valid for three years for each company.

  1. Article of Association and Ratification of Legal Entity of Company
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Another important thing on how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company is the article of association and the ratification of legal entity of your company. It is important because by having the article of association, you can establish foreign-owned limited liability company. And by this, you can start to determine how much the foreign party can control your company. And the ratification of legal entity is important to make a legal protection for your company.

  1. Company certificate of domicile and obtain the tax Registration number

Certificate of domicile is important to make the address where your company state is listed legally by the sub-district. Your surrounding is going to support your company activities in the future. The obtain of Tax Registration Number for your company should be added on your how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company step, because of it  beneficial to propose bank loan, and obtaining another necessary document which company needs.

  1. Company Registration Certificate

This is the final step on how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company. After you finish to proceed all the requirement needed on how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company, you need to finalize the registration to the Provincial Government to make your company officially legal and accepted by the government.

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That is all the suggestion and the step on how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company. Hopefully, after reading this article, you as the owner of the company will be more understanding about how to open company in Indonesia enterprise company to decide something, for example, to decide that foreign party should take control for your company for 100 percent or not.

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