Things You Need To Know About How to invest my money in Indonesia

Investing in Indonesia has a good opportunity in the future, here are a few things that you need to know about how to invest my money in Indonesia.

Indonesia is blessed with its young population, strong economic growth, and becoming the largest economy in Southeast Asia in 2014 with $888.600.000.000,-. Many economic experts have argued that Indonesia should be added as an upcoming emerging market in the BRIC economies. About how to invest my money in Indonesia, it should be started with JCI or Jakarta Composite Index.

how to invest my money in IndonesiaThere are many things that you need to know about how to invest my money in Indonesia. Indonesia was once jumped from a low equity index which was about 1140 to 4100 which was a high one in the period between 2009 and 2012. It was the only emerging markets at that time while the rest of the world undergone an economic recession. How to invest my money in Indonesia is a big deal. Here are a few tips on how to invest my money in Indonesia that might help.

How to invest my money in Indonesia

  1. The Negative Investment List

Knowing about how to invest my money in Indonesia, you also have to know about its Negative Investment List. The negative investment list specifies limitation and prohibition fields of foreign investment. Knowing these things will help you on how to invest my money in Indonesia. The ranges of the limitation are about 0% to 95% of ownership allowance.

  1. Talent Pool
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Before investing in Indonesia, it is also essential on how to invest my money in Indonesia to know about qualified candidates to work with your company. It is said that in 2020, top Indonesian corporations will only be able to fill up about 50% of their job desk with talented candidates. You may consider this thing to on how to invest my money in Indonesia.

  1. Insufficient Infrastructure

Considering infrastructure in Indonesia will also necessary if you are thinking about how to invest my money in Indonesia. Many people claim that Indonesia is lack of adequate infrastructure. It will also cause the logistic cost to rise. It is reported that about 17 % of local company expenditures are used for logistic expenses.

  1. There are many things to be solved

Indonesia, according to CNN, is one of the “fragile five” rising economies. It is also a good thing to be considered in how to invest my money in Indonesia. This thing is one of the reasons of why Indonesia is attractive in the investor’s eyes. Many problems need to be solved here and in those issues lie a great opportunity to provide the solution for those matters.

  1. Social Media

Social media is one of the considerable things on how to invest my money in Indonesia because it affects in many sectors in Indonesia from entertainment to business to politics and international relations. 15 % of the world’s tweets come from Indonesia. So, you’ll have to consider social media as a tool to seek your market opportunities and engage your consumers.

  1. Diverse Market
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Indonesia is the most complex and the biggest archipelago country in the world. You have to consider that in Indonesia there are many races, religious, customs, values, and races. So Indonesia is not a single market entity which will make your target broader. Every targets has its own needs which your business have to address. This point is also a big advantage for you that you will have a big market in Indonesia.

Hopefully, a few things mentioned above will help you on how to invest my money in Indonesia because investing your money is about to deal with many things and problems.

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