The Ways of Investment in Indonesia

You as an investor who tries the first time of investment in Indonesia maybe feel confuse or something like that. Don’t worry, and we come to help in solving your problem.

Investment in Indonesia is an exciting thing to discuss and also to do. Indonesia is one country which so potential to be the object of investing your capital. There are many kinds of sectors, such as industries, properties, and many others. Each of them has the different characters and also regional market to exist their product.

investment in IndonesiaNo matter was looking for positive value and minus value; there exactly provided points which can make you trust in and also decided to secure investment in Indonesia. You will be able to get huge profits if you can choose which one or more to be the best choice, based on your passion and your capability. Let’s learn about how to invest in Indonesia to make it comfortable and enjoyable.

Here Few Ways of Investment in Indonesia

There are several ways to invest in Indonesia. It may use for you as an investor who wants to know well how for making that great decision. You have to understand that ways step by step to get an understandable information well.

  1. Foreign direct investment
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You should know that there is two permitted kind of investment in Indonesia. One of them is Foreign Investment Company (in Indonesian is PMA), one other is Representative Office (in Indonesia is KPPA). Both of them allowed in Indonesia for foreigner investor. They can investment in Indonesia quickly by following some ways.

  1. Negative Investment List

What does Negative Investment List mean? It is rules which launched by the government. It contains about kind of requirements which have to obedient by investors who are going investment in Indonesia. So that, you have to pass this way before you do your next step for doing that invest.

There are few rules which talked about kind of companies which allowed invest in full capital or just a part capital. There are around 35 business sectors in Indonesia which permitted to get 100% capital by investment in Indonesia. Examples of that allowed industry such as hospital and also film.

  1. Investment licenses

Investment license exactly needed before investment in Indonesia approved. There is one technical term related to this point. That is a Principle Investment License. That is one thing which has to accept by the government before foreign investment made in Indonesia.

You as a someone who wants to investment in Indonesia and also wants to start the business precisely obligate on this one point. As a full or part investment at the foreign company also you have to understand it well. This process needs around three days for done. That is not the too long time for you.

  1. Tax Identification Number (in Indonesia is NPWP)
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Tax is something essential and one obligation for all citizens especially Indonesian. That also used to you as a businessman who wants to investment in Indonesia. This rule is also known well before you doing your excellent planning. You have to follow it and get the limitation become a reasonable investor.

  1. Investment progress report

Report or result what which we did is one of the most things we have to do. It is kind of our responsibility from something which done. You as an investor is also needed to make that report. Someone who was going investment in Indonesia has to provide something like progress report which gave period. It creates for seeing how high the progress after an investment is happening.

These are few explanations which related to the topic investment in Indonesia. Hopefully, by this, you will get something useful. We also hope that you can decide what so far makes you confident about ways for investment in Indonesia. Thank you.

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